Finding the right balance
A little waft of your favourite fragrance can uplift your mind and spirit. Some are worn like an invisible shield to empower you to take on the challenges of the world.
Carefully blended with the powerful essential oil, Balance Nutrient provides transformative effects and takes you on a sensory journey to enhance your wellbeing.
Enjoy a moment with our bath, body and haircare products and turn your daily routine into an enriching and therapeutic experience. A deep hydrating body wash that noticeably nourish, moisturise and soothe dry skin and restore skin radiance
Accessing peace, quieting the mind, and relaxing oneself are modern-day challenges. With its rejuvenating and alluring scent, Balance Nutrient is carefully blended to take away daily fatigue by inducing sensory relaxation to destress and relieve your body after a long hard day at work

Hotel Collection